Cost Savings

Adjusting Cold Air Return Vents in the Fall

Our last post was all about adjusting cold air return vents in the fall and the importance of having enough…

Look for discounts and coupons

Have you watched any of these shows lately called, Extreme Couponing"? We have watched a few and are amazed at…

Use Your Gift Cards

Do you still have a gift card hanging around from Christmas? or perhaps your birthday? Did you know that department…

Reduction of Your Mobile Phone Costs

This was a big cost reduction that we just came across and it personally saved us $20 a month on…

Twelve Money Losers & Expenses

Twelve money losers and expenses that home owners need to watch out for. We recently saw an article about this…

Save Money – Split Meals at Restaurants

We really enjoy watching the biggest loser. This past week we also learned that we already do some of the…

Closing Vents in Unused Rooms

Closing vents in unused rooms is a great way to save money heating or cooling your home. Closing the vents…

Save Money – Set a Budget

This may seem like an odd title to write about for a blog that is dedicated to managing home maintenance…

Renting RotoTillers

Should you purchase a rototiller or consider renting rotoTillers, and what kind should you get. We have a garden that…