Electricity Reduction

Eight Ways to Reduce Electrical Costs

With the cost of electricity going up in almost every jurisdiction, consumers would do well to heed the following suggestions…

Reduce Your Hydro Bill

Electricity rates are going up again in the province of Ontario Canada again, just like they are in every other…

Reducing Energy Consumption

Many consumers do not correlate the energy they use with the money in their wallets. Over the next dozen years…

Incandescent lightbulb ban taking effect

Effective January 1, 2014, lightbulb manufacturers will stop making the popular 40 and 60 watt incandescent lightbulbs. These are the…

Reducing Electricity Consumption at Home

Many people do not pay attention to reducing electricity consumption at home for a number of reasons. Some just do…

LED Light Bulb Canada

In a previous post we compared the ROI for LED lights vs. incandescent light bulbs. LED’s although they are very…

Electricity Consumption

Many people are just not aware of what their electricity consumption is during the day or even during the month. …

Analyzing Daily Hydro Consumption

This will be our final post about conserving energy use in the form of electricity. We wanted to show the…

Analyzing Hourly Hydro Usage and Cost

One of the things we have learned while doing some research on alternative energy sources is that the payback you…

Reduce Electricity First

This may seem like an odd post to be included in an alternate and renewable energy blog, however when you…