Energy Savings

Programmable Thermostats

With all of the emphasis on reducing energy costs, it would seem that using programmable thermostats should save you money. …

Cold Air Return Vents

The location and number of cold air return vents is so important to the comfort of the homes occupants. Yet…

Idling Your Car – Save $

One of our big concerns about using energy and in particular wasting energy is when we see people sitting in…

Reduce Cooling Costs

Reduce Cooling Costs : Most people these days will run their air conditioning at some point or another during the…

Turning the Heat off While on Vacation

Winter time is a great time to take a vacation. Get away from the cold weather and snow to somewhere…

Draft Proofing Doorways

Draft proofing doorways can have almost as much of an impact as installing a new energy-efficient front door. In fact,…

Setting your Thermostat to Save Heating Costs

This is the time of year when the weather is cold and the furnace is running more often that consumers…

Reduce Your Monthly Electrical Costs

Reduce your monthly electrical costs is becoming more important all the time as rates rise in most jurisdictions. The previous…

Electricity Costs Going Up

The following article came from an online post by the Ottawa Citizen. We included it here so that more readers…

Get Ready, Cut Your Winter Utility Bills

Canadians living in Ontario, and probably other provinces as well, are experiencing almost 20% increases in their hydro rates this…