Life Style

Does the Property You are Buying Meet the Lifestyle Test

Lifestyle is a very important criterion when shopping for a new home. After all, a home and its surrounding neighborhood…

Renovate or Down Size

We have been struggling with the decision to Renovate or Down Size for years and as it turns out so…

Things Your Neighbors Won’t Tell You

This post is about Things Your Neighbors Won’t Tell You because they are jealous or are mad at you for…

Spending Because I Can Afford It

Some of my friends have this attitude that they have the money and they should spend it now while they…

Childhood Spending Habits

Our web site is all about saving money around the home and how we can do things ourselves. I read…

Tips at Restaurants: What is Enough?

Now here is a sensitive topic! How much should you tip for service at a restaurant and when should you…

Save $ Now vs. Spend More Later

Have you ever found that you saved a lot of money in the short term, but ended up spending a…

New Years Resolution

Many people around the world make New Year's resolutions about money, jobs, life style and health. It is a great…