
Removing Popcorn Ceilings

The traditional method of removing popcorn ceilings is the one shown in the picture. Basically the ceiling is sprayed with…

Home Remodeling for Aging in Place

If you plan to stay in your home after retirement home remodeling for aging in place should be strongly considered.…

Avoiding Bad Renovation Contractors

Home renovation, kitchens, bathrooms, landscaping, and just about anything that needs repair or updating around the home is one of…

Install Baseboards Along Crooked Floors

The walls are crooked, the floors are not flat and you are trying to install baseboards along crooked floors and…

Using The Bagster for Renovation Work

The Bagster is a really practical solution for those home owners who do not want to have a large steel…

Updating kitchen cabinets

Every year many people embark on kitchen renovations which can cost thousands of dollars. By the time you replace the…

New toilet installed

In our last post, titled new toilet installation, we talked about some of the reasons why we were installing a…

Cost of Replacing Windows

The cost of replacing Windows in your home can be extraordinarily high especially if you have to replace all of…

Bathroom Remodeling- Mirror Removal

Many consumers are doing their own remodeling to save money and to reap the enjoyment of doing it themselves. As…

Removing Strippable Wallpaper

This is an easy task for most do it yourself consumers. You can save a little money and reduce the…