
Repair Window Frames

Always repair window frames before you repaint. In this situation, as you can see from the picture, this window frame…

Scrape and Paint Your Window Frames

Homeowners should scrape and paint your window frames at least once per year or at least check them every year…

Caulk Before You Paint Window Frames

If you do not remove loose paint and caulking before you paint all the work you do in painting your…

Easy Home Repair Jobs

Some of the easiest upkeep projects require less time than it takes to grill a steak. Most people don't think…

Gas Fireplace Inspection

We have a gas fireplace much like the one shown in this picture and we have it inspected once per…

Furnace Upgrade for Your Home

One of the questions that many people have these days is whether they should upgrade their furnace to a new…

Installing a Garage Door Opener

I just finished installing a new garage door opener. Although it took a few hours and a second pair of…

Fixing Garage Door Openers

Maintenance of garage door openers and fixing Garage Door Openers are not a big issue for most people. These units…