Suburban Raccoons

Effects of Raccoons in the Attic

effects of raccoons in the atticThe effects of raccoons in the attic are numerous. They include health issues, damage to your home, and even depreciation in the value of your home. If you suspect that raccoons are in the attic or somewhere else around your home do not hesitate. Call a professional immediately to remove them in the proper manner. We are not environmentalists or animal protectionists, but you might think so when you hear the solution. It is the only one that works on a long-term basis. Build a one-way trap door across the entrance to the den in your attic so they can get out and not back in. Use heavy gauge wire mesh so they cannot get through.

Killing them does not work, another family will just move in. Trapping them and taking them somewhere is usually against some bylaws and also another family will just move in. If the professionals propose trapping or killing them find another company.

Effects of Raccoons in the Attic

The following is a brief summary of the possible effects of raccoons in the attic:

  • Urine and feces soak insulation
  • A strong odor
  • Damage to your house from the raccoons
  • Damage to your house from snow and rain
  • A potential health issue for humans from infected feces
  • Devaluation of your home
  • Nuisance from the animals
  • Potential entry of the raccoons into the rest of your home
  • Damage to plants etc around your yard
  • Damage to your lawn if they are looking for grubs
  • Garbage is torn apart
  • Threatening presence to your pets

Need we go on? Get rid of the raccoons immediately!

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