Damage Raccoons

Insurance for Damage from Raccoons

What a mess for this home owner! Do you think there is insurance for damage from raccoons that is going to help this home owner? Probably not and you are just as surprised as I was when I found out that the insurance company specifically included this particular item as an exclusion. In other words they are not going to pay for the damage that raccoons did to my home. Fortunately in my case it was not as bad as this homeowner. He not only has the damage shown in the picture,. There will be significant damage inside the attic as well and rainwater is going to get in and do further damage. This could cost thousands of dollars!

Insurance for Damage from Raccoons

If you are one of the lucky ones then great but do not count on it. The moment you suspect animals of any kind in your homes attic or even on the roof, take steps to get rid of them immediately. If not you could be looking at thousands of dollars in damages not covered by the homeowner’s house insurance.

A professional company can install a one-way trap door over the opening so the can get out, but not back in. Once they are out you can start repairing the hole and the other damage that they may have done. This is by far the best way to deal with the problem. If you somehow kill the first bunch a new group will just move in at some point and you start all over again. Do it the right way the first time.


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