Energy Efficiency Audit

Energy Efficient Things

There has been a big push in the last dozen years for consumers to use less energy in their every…

Reducing Energy Use

Reducing energy use has become a favorite pass time for many people these days with the increasing cost of oil,…

Reducing Energy Usage

Our last post discussed the appliances that consume the most electricity. From this post we can see which appliances use…

Appliances That Use The Most Electricity

When we started looking at this question of which appliances use the most electricity, we thought that intuitively we knew…

How Do We Use Energy

In today's modern world we use energy in so many ways that we now take almost all of it for…

Analyzing Daily Hydro Consumption

This will be our final post about conserving energy use in the form of electricity. We wanted to show the…

Analyzing Hourly Hydro Usage and Cost

One of the things we have learned while doing some research on alternative energy sources is that the payback you…