Green Energy

UN Report – Cut Emissions to Zero!

TheĀ UN Report - Cut Emissions to Zero was just issued. It suggests that we must reduce our emission of pollutants…

Top green upgrades to save energy

The bottom line for most consumers when it comes to saving money on energy and choosing the top green upgrades…

Being Green Again

ARE YOU "GOING GREEN?" This is a great story that we included here because it is so true! Being Green…

Invest in Green Energy

Would you invest in something that purports to be green energy? What if the cost is higher than the regular…

Alternative Energy Businesses

This post is discussing the alternative energy businesses and follows our previous post about the renewable energy businessĀ  evolution. You…

Renewable Energy Business Evolution

We have been doing some research on renewable energy business evolution, which is another term for where is the solar…

The Green Trend : Not so New

We like to include humorous posts that are related to the initiatives of going green, alternative energy and reducing your…

What is Green Energy Anyway?

What is Green Energy Anyway? Well the answer is that it really depends on who you talk to and what…

Alternative Energy for Consumers

We are starting a new blog specifically focused on alternative energy for consumers. Some people refer to this as renewable…