Hardwood Floor Protection

Tackling Simple Wood Floor Problems

There are lots of suggestions available on the web about what to do with various problems you may have with…

Cleaning Hardwood floors

You invested thousands into your new hardwood floors and now it is time to clean them. Or perhaps you purchased…

5 Steps To Protect Your Hardwood Floors From Disaster

Hardwood floors have been the preferred choice for many home owners over the past 50 years and even longer. For…

The Best Vacuum for Hardwood Floors

There are literally hundreds of vacuums available on the market. They have claims that they can deal with carpets, hardwood…

How Do I Protect my Hardwood Floor

You have just installed your brand new hardwood floor and it looks beautiful. You painted the walls, the trim and…

Protecting Your Hardwood Floors

You have just moved in to a new home with hardwood floors. Or perhaps just installed a new hardwood floor.…