Suburban Raccoons

Do’s and Don’ts of Raccoon Removal

Raccoon RemovalMost consumers really do not think about raccoons as pests until it is too late. They have created a den inside their home, often in the attic. This will be the first time they are exposed to the local city bylaws. This is the practical side of raccoon removal and getting rid of these raccoons that have set up a den inside their home. The raccoons are looking for a den that is protected from the elements. They also have few enemies. Which are practically nil in suburbia. They also want a place where their pups can be born in safety. They also will raise them until they are old enough to travel. This is where many homeowners also are shocked to find out that there is almost nothing you can do until they are old enough to travel on their own.

Raccoons are very family and maternal oriented. They will protect their young at all costs and they stay together as parents to do the job. If you somehow prevent the parents from entering your home and they have babies inside they are going to do everything they can to get inside. They will literally tear a roof apart to create another entrance point to the den where their babies are. We have created a list of do’s and don’ts of raccoon removal. They come from industry experts. Bottom line is that you should hire a professional to remove them and keep them out. As soon as there is any evidence that they have entered your attic, call a professional.  Have them removed immediately and prevent them from coming back before they have pups and can do a lot of damage.

Do’s and Don’ts of Raccoon Removal – Supported by Bylaws

  • You cannot kill the raccoons or their babies
  • If trapped, they can be let loose no more than one kilometer away
  • Babies must be removed, placed in a box near the home for the parents to find
  • Babies less than 6 weeks old cannot be removed
  • Trapped raccoons must be given food and water
  • Prevent entry by using a one way trap door
  • Remove all food sources so raccoons are not attracted to your area
  • Protect your garbage from raccoons
  • You cannot kill them or treat them in a cruel manner
  • Install wire mesh across all potential openings to keep them out.
  • Even though you are frustrated, just call a professional to do the job right

Raccoons are part of life in the country as well as in suburbia and homeowners are encouraged to protect themselves and their homes by installing wire mesh over all potential openings. If your neighbors are having problems with raccoons, take action now on your own home before they move in. As soon as your neighbor prevents them from entering his home, you can be sure that they will be looking for a new place to set up a den and if you are not protected, they are moving into your place. Removing raccoons and installing the wire mesh can cost anywhere from $300 to $1000 or more, however this is a small amount compared to repairing the damage they can cause.

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