Suburban Raccoons

How do You Get Rid of Raccoons

get rid of raccoonsA family of raccoons living in your attic or around your home can be a real problem. They can destroy a home by tearing the siding away to get inside. This damage can let in snow, rain, and even other animals. They will leave their urine and scat on your insulation. It is not only a stinking mess, but it also lowers the insulation value and is a health hazard. If you think there are raccoons living in your attic, act quickly. Focus on getting rid of raccoons before they do a great deal of damage that could cost you thousands of dollars.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons

Many experts, neighbors, and friends will tell you that you need to trap them. Then, take them away to a forest somewhere. This is the wrong thing to do on several levels. There could be babies inside your attic. They will die inside your attic and make the situation worse. Some communities have bylaws in place that prevent trapped animals from being removed from their immediate surroundings. If the babies are still inside and the parents are released nearby, they will literally tear your roof apart, trying to rescue them. Finally, if the den in your attic is vacant, another family of raccoons will just move in.

The right way to deal with this problem is to build a one-way trap door so that the raccoons can get out but not back in. If there are babies still inside, you either have to get them out and release them to the parents or wait until they are old enough to travel on their own. Once they leave through the trap door, you can place a heavy gauge wire mesh over the opening and all other potential entrances to keep them out.

Now they are out, and they never will be able to get back in. No other roving families of raccoons can get in either. They will try but will be foiled by the wire mesh. While you are doing all of this, remove all potential food sources from around your home so that there is nothing to attract them to your area.



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2 Responses to “How do You Get Rid of Raccoons”

  1. Please can you suggest pet safe means to get rid of raccoons fast?

  2. Use the one way trap door to get rid of raccoons from your home. check out our posts on this subject

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