What do you worry about most about your iPhone, iPod or iPad? Like many mobile devices your Apple iPhone 3G, iPod, or iPad is also prone to being hacked and other safety or security threats. The new iPhone 6 now has much better iPhone Security with the thumbprint feature recently added. However any iPhones that are older still need to be protected in the traditional manner. But many of us do not give hacking a seconds thought, instead we worry about losing our devices. We do not take iPhone safety threats as seriously as we take threats about losing or breaking one of these devices.
I am paranoid about leaving it somewhere and I actually lost an iPhone from one of those belt clip on things. It just fell off one day and I did not notice it when it fell. Now I only carry it in my pocket or in my brief case and never on my belt. The company I work for wiped it remotely so nothing in terms of importance was lost other than the iPhone and of course my pride. But there is much more to be concerned about.
While the iPhone 3G is a stable and secure device you should nevertheless follow the following iPhone security tips to prevent any hacks or intrusion attempts while you use your iPhone mail client, surf the net or are logged into the local Wi-Fi network. I use an iPod predominantly over WiFi at the local Starbucks and other coffee shops. There is always someone around on their PC’s and who knows what they are doing. Maybe they are trying to hack into my iPod.
Here are a few tips you should consider when using one of these devices at a free WiFi site:
iPhone Security WiFi Tips:
Most of use our iPhone to access open Wi-Fi networks frequently and fail to “forget” the network from our iPhone Wi-Fi settings. This is an open invitation to any person with mischief on his/her mind who can connect to your iPhone the next time you visit or pass by the Wi-Fi hotspot by simply scanning the network devices. Your iPod/iPhone will auto connect the next time you pass by this WiFi site unless you “forget” the network. To prevent this set your iPhone “Ask to Join Networks” option on. Also make sure you “forget” the open network after you have exited it.
iPhone Passcode Security Tips:
Okay setting an access Passcode is elementary security tip. However it is very important, because we tend to use our smartphones for far more security-sensitive applications like email, website access etc. Protect your private info in case your iPhone gets stolen or lost by barring access to the phone/iPod with a passcode. Set your iPhone Passcode lock from Settings > General > Passcode Lock. Once you set the access Passcode your iphone will automatically lock after the selected time interval.
iPhone Security – Application Passwords
Many people ask the smartphone to remember sign in information. For example signing into your bank with a user ID and password can be remembered by your phone. If someone does find your phone and gets past the passcode we discussed in the previous section, then they have full access to all your banking information and your money! Always force yourself to renter both the user id and the password for all applications to provide an additional level of security.
Using VPN for enhanced iPhone Security:
Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts all data sent to and from between your iPhone and the selected network. This option is especially useful if you are accessing any open Wi-Fi network, to block any peeping tom from scanning and accessing your iPhone. Note that the site you are reaching must support VPN access. Many corporations require this feature if they are providing remote access to mail and company networks. Thankfully, Apple has included a VPN client with the iPhone.
iPhone Web Security Tips:
The iPhone features the Safari web browser with many customizable options which when selected can prevent malicious malware like trojans, viruses etc from infecting your iPhone. Firstly ensure that pop-ups are blocked as they may contain concealed malware seeking to enter your phone. Just check the Block Pop-ups option in the Safari settings.
Managing cookies applies to all wireless devices including laptops as well as smartphones, iPods, iPhones and iPads. Another iPhone/iPod security tip includes managing the cookies or the files stored on your iPhone by the websites you visit. Remember to always delete the cookies after every session by tapping the Clear Cookies button in the Safari settings. Users who want to be extremely cautious can completely disable cookies, but note that to access most of the websites you need to accept cookies.
Secure iPhone Emailing Tips:
When using your iPhone or iPod for sending or receiving emails remember to do so over a SSL protocol. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts all mail sent and received via your iPhone. Google and many other email systems are now supporting HTPPS on their systems to add security. Using a non-SSL mail client can seriously compromise your privacy and security. Think an open postcard versus a sealed envelope, it’s that big a difference. If your mail client does not support SSL, then just use one that does.
We appreciate any additional security tips that readers may be aware of. Please add them via comments to this post. Spam comments will be auto deleted. For more Apple details, click here.