Should you pay the membership at one of the wholesale price club like Costco, Sams club or BJ’s? It really depends on your shopping habits, how much you will purchase and whether you can find better prices elsewhere. Consumers who have time to do some comparison shopping will often find better prices for various items at other stores when they are on sale or on special. Buying those items at other stores will save you money. The return policies at price clubs is extraordinary. Service is top notch and prices on average are very competitive. But should you join wholesale price clubs to save money?
The do’s and don’ts of shopping at a wholesale price club
Each family will have different needs however the following can be considered general guidelines which may or may not apply when making a decision to purchase items at a wholesale price club:
- Buying in bulk means you need to have storage areas
- Can you use all of the bulk items within a reasonable period of time
- Can you use items before the expiry date
- Purchases of goods on sale or on special at other stores may save you money
- Do you return many items, it is easier at wholesale price clubs
- Large families can generally benefit more
- Will the rewards pay for the membership fee
If you can answer yes to many of these questions, then belonging to one of the wholesale price club might be the right answer for you. If you answer no to many of the questions, you may want to say the membership fee and shop elsewhere. If you take advantage of specials at the competition, you can definitely save money compared to shopping at Costco. These are price leader deals that are offered to get you into a store where the store hopes you will spend money on other items at a higher price.
December 23rd, 2020 on 9:19 am
The most common form
September 24th, 2017 on 12:13 am
Good tips – keep up the good work