Apartment dwellers are looking for electrical outlets to plug-in their electrical vehicles to recharge them over night. Electric vehicles create issues for apartment managers and superintendents. Governments are pushing better utilization of our resources. Specifically to cut down on our dependence on foreign oil. Yet this is creating many issues for individuals who want to support the initiative.
They are coming face to face with the reality of where do they charge up their vehicle. If you live in a single family home or even a townhouse were you have your own electrical meter you have some control. There is no issue other than the basic economics of recharging your vehicle. We urge you to do your own math as well to confirm your potential savings when you purchase an electric vehicle.
Electric Vehicles create issues for Apartment Managers
Life is never Simple and Straight Forward.
For apartment dwellers it is not so simple. Most people will park in a garage or even surface parking were there is no access to an electric plug of sufficient amperage. In those few places were there are plugs, many owners are objecting to paying for the increase in electricity that is being used. Some property managers have removed electrical outlets so they cannot be used to charge electric cars. In addition, the existing electrical system in older buildings may not be up to the standard and capacity needed to support more than a few cars plugged in to recharge.
Expensive upgrades are required. Who is going to pay for this expense. How will he recover this expense through the rent or other fee’s. At the very least, there may be only one electrical outlet in the garage. It probably is not close to the car owners requested parking spot. In some colder climates, electrical outlets are provided for car warmers and engine heaters.
Car Owner Volunteers to Pay His Share
One electric car owner has volunteered to pay for his share of the electricity based on the manufacturers anticipated usage and local rates for electricity. He even volunteered to double what he should pay from a theoretical perspective. The apartment building owner is worried. Even though this car owner is willing to pay , he may find himself committed to expensive electrical system upgrades. Or risk the wrath of the other apartment dwellers when the breakers let go and everyone is in the dark.
Early Days for Electric Vehicles
This is still very early in the product life cycle for electric vehicles. Hence the issues and problems are just now being realized. Many people with good intentions will purchase electric vehicles. Then where do they recharge their vehicle. As a result their money is committed. They will solve these minor problems. All it will take is a competitive market for apartment units. For example an apartment owner advertising that they have parking stalls available for electric cars to get the ball rolling. It will become a competitive issue at some point to capture some of the best apartment owners. Those who pay their rent on time and cause few problems. I am thinking that if you can afford to purchase an electric car, you are making pretty good money. You will appreciate a higher quality of apartment.
If you would like to leave a detailed comment about electric vehicle recharging challenges, please leave one at the bottom of this post. You may agree with our opinion. Or perhaps not and have a different perspective on it. We would like to hear your opinions. We will even approve a link back to your web site for well written on subject comments.
December 19th, 2012 on 3:53 am
I would like to buy an electric vehicle but I am afraid of the cost of electricity going up and getting stuck somewhere with dead batteries