Hardwood Floor Refinishing Minneapolis – Once your hardwood floor has been in service for 15 to 20 years, it may be time to refinish the floor to return it to it’s pristine look when it was originally installed. This time frame will vary a great deal based on how well you take care of your existing floor and how much the sun shining on your floors has caused the finish to fade. This is when you need Hardwood Floor Refinishing Minneapolis contractors to provide quotes.
Consumers can avoid the costly expense and work of refinishing a hardwood floor if they take of the floor and avoid walking on the floor with their outdoor shoes. This will extend the life of your floor for many years and avoid the costly expense of refinishing your floors.
Avoiding Hardwood Floor Refinishing Minneapolis Contractors
The best way to prolong the finish on your floor is to follow these steps or rules:
- Do not wear your outdoor shoes inside the house
- Remove all outdoor shoes as soon as you enter the home
- Vacuum at least once a week or more often especially around the entrance to catch any grit that may find its way onto the floor
- Damp mop your floor on a regular basis as well. Timing will depend on the shine of your floor. Starting to look dull, vacuum and then damp mop
- Avoid using anything abrasive on the floor to clean it
- Avoid allowing toys or other sharp objects on the floor
- Wipe up spills immediately
- Use furniture pads to protect your floor from grooves from the furniture legs
Many people are worried about removing too much wood when they sand the floors. Progressive sanding can leave little or no wood and cause a wholesale replacement of the floor. Sometimes depending on the existing finish a light sanding will suffice, to remove all surface scratches and then a new coat of var-ethane or urethane can be placed on the wood.
Wood floors with deep scratches and marks will have to be sanded down to the bare wood to remove the scratch and to make the floor look uniform. This can remove more wood from the surface than desired, so care should be taken when using a power sander to remove too much wood.
Remove all of the Dust
Once all of the existing finish has been removed and the scratches are gone, give the floor a light sanding with a fine sand paper and thorough clean with a vacuum before using tack cloth to remove all remaining small particles of dust. you will want a perfectly clean room with no remaining dust to gain that perfectly shiny floor. Your Hardwood Floor Refinishing Minneapolis should follow this approach to avoid getting a lot of dust into your home.
The picture above shows a sander that is labeled as a dustless floor sanding machine. These machines work well and will remove a great deal of the dust from your home. Most important from the room that you are doing your sanding in. It is important to remove all dust to ensure that you have a very clean room prior to applying your final finish to your floor.
Still Some Dust
Even when using a sanding machine, you are still going to have to do some hand sanding in the corners. Also areas that you just cannot get to with a larger machine. You will need to make sure that you do not sand across the grain. Always and with the grain and never use an orbital sander. it will eave small circles. Which will show up on your floor when you apply to finish to your floor.
We also recommend removing the baseboard so that you can get in close to the edge of the walls and avoid having to do more sanding by hand. In most cases you will also have to sand and paint the baseboards since they are older as well. In some cases it is just easier to replace the baseboards with brand new base boards. They will need to be primed and then painted. All nail holes will also need to be filled in and sanded.