Many people do not pay attention to reducing electricity consumption at home for a number of reasons. Some just do not have the time to focus on this issue. Others do not realize how much it is costing them because they do not pay the bill each month. Quite a few people also just do not care. They want to be comfortable. Consumers do not want to be bothered by anything like this. They figure that they have worked for their money and they can spend it in whatever way they wish to.
There are many people who are on tight budgets and every dollar they can save is a dollar that can go to other more important things like food on the table and paying for kids clothes or whatever is important in life to them. These are the people that should really pay attention to reducing electricity consumption at home and of course those of us who just want to avoid paying companies for services that we do not need.
Reducing Electricity Consumption
The following is a long list of suggestions that can be considered. They will not apply to everyone since we all have different circumstances, but they can save all of us money and our lives can still be very comfortable. If you notice something missing, let us know and we will be happy to add it to our list:
- Turn the lights off when not in the room
- Turn the TV off if you are not watching it for longer than 15 minutes
- Cook using the microwave instead of the oven
- Use a clothes line to dry your clothes
- If you have time of day charging, take advantage of the rates and run AC, pumps, dryers etc in off normal time.
- Run the AC only at night
- Turn up the temperature during the day so the AC does not run as much
- Turn down the temperature in the winter to use the furnace less
- Unplug TV’s and other electronics in unused rooms to avoid trickle usage
- Convert all lights to fluorescent or LED’s
- Take advantage of discount when buying these lights.
These are just a few of the ways to ensure that your electrical consumption at home is kept to a minimum and even if you save $300 to $500 a year in electrical charges, the money is better in your pocket than someone else’s.