As we prepare this post, the days are getting longer and depending were you live the snow may beginning to melt which indicates that spring is just around the corner. It is time to take stock of your home and note any damage that might have occurred around your home during the winter months. Winter can be hard on a home, your plants and out buildings, so this is a good time to plan all of your spring home maintenance tasks.
Inspecting your home on a regular basis and following good maintenance practices is the best way to protect your investment in your home. If you do not feel comfortable performing some of the home maintenance tasks listed below, or do not have the necessary equipment, for example a ladder, you may want to consider hiring a qualified any person to help you. Even if you are going to do some of the more minor spring maintenance activities always complete your work with safety in mind.
Spring Home Maintenance Checklist
Here is our checklist of items you may want to look at:
- If you have central air conditioning, make sure the drain pan under the cooling coil mounted in the furnace is draining properly and is clean.
- Lubricate circulating pump on a hot water heating system.
- Bleed air from hot water radiators.
- Disconnect the power to the furnace and examine the forced air furnace fan belt, if installed, for wear, looseness and noise. Clean fan blades of any dirt buildup.
- Vacuum return vents and cold air return vents to remove any dust buildup
- Remove the grills on forced air systems and vacuum inside the ducts.
- Check and clean or replace furnace air filters each month during the cooling and heating season. Ventilation system, such as heat recovery ventilator, filters should be checked every two months.
- Check to see that the duct work leading to and from the heat recovery ventilator is in good shape, the joints are tightly sealed in any depth installation of plastic duct wrap is free of tears and holes.
- Check smoke, carbon monoxide and security alarms, and replace batteries.
- Clean portable de-humidifier.
- Clean humidifier and turn off the water supply
- Check to see that the bathroom exhaust fans and arrangements are operating properly. If possible, confirm that you are getting good airflow. Observing the outside vent exterior damper which should be held open by the airflow.
- Check sump pump and line to ensure proper operation, and to ascertain that there no line obstructions or visible leaks.
Do not Forget the Windows
- Replace storm windows with window screens
- Ensure windows and skylights close tightly; repair or replace weather-stripping as needed.
- Insure all doors to the outside shut tightly, and check other doors for ease of use. Replace your weather-stripping if required.
- If there is a door between your house and garage, check the adjustment of the self-closing device to ensure it closes the door completely.
- Remove cover from the air-conditioning units and turn on power.
- Insure that the ground around your home slopes away from the foundation wall, so that water does not enter into your basement.
- Clean leaves from the eaves trough and roof and test downspout to ensure proper drainage from the roof.
- Install outdoor hoses and turn on indoor valves.
- Have well water tested for quality. It is recommended that you test for bacteria every six months.
- If you have a septic tank, measure the slide and scum to determine if the tank needs to be emptied during the summer. Tanks should be pumped at least once every three years.
- Remove winterizing landscaping material, for example, prepared gardens and if necessary protect young trees or bushes for winter.
- Set up all lawn furniture, inspect fences and gates for damages or movement due to frost
- Rake the lawn, remove all debris from the winter and add fertilizer once the ground is unfrozen
- Plant flowers, shrubs etc at the appropriate time for your area and climate.
We hope that this list helps you in the maintenance of your home. Doing some or all of the above will help to prevent serious problems from occurring. Over time this will cost you much more money and time if you do not do this maintenance. If any of our readers have comments or additional ideas, please feel free to leave a comment.
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March 21st, 2013 on 6:23 pm
[…] link to the post is – Spring Home Maintenance. We have a long list that consumers should find helpful as they go about the job of getting ready […]