These are the top 10 ways you can save money at home without even realizing it and it is pretty easy too. They are not in any particular order. Some families will receive larger payoffs from one area than others and that is ok. Even if one of these areas helps you save some money which can be used for other things you are ahead of the game. Take a look at the list and determine if there any that you or your family can use.
Top 10 Ways You Can Save Money
- Repair and Maintain Wear and Tear on Your Home
- Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards
- Claim Money In Your Name
- Avoid Food In Your Kitchen Going Bad
- Pay Less for Smartphone Data
- Use Coupons That Are Right In Front of You
- Always Negotiate
- Don’t Fall For Tech Myths
- Do not Overpay Your Monthly Bills
- Trying Too Hard to Save Money
- Share your home with family
We will expand on each of these to give you a little more information. How you can save money on all of these areas.
Repair and Maintain Wear and Tear on Your Home
Delaying repairs will only allow them to get worse and usually increases the repair costs substantially. As soon as you see something that needs to be fixed and repaired, do it right away. Water leaks are among the worst, the water spreads and damages a lot of things inside your home, creates mold and can even make you sick. This is just one example of fixing things as soon as you notice something amiss. Don’t wait or it will cost you more money!
Maximize Your Credit Card Rewards – take advantage of these rewards, they can save you hundreds of dollars. Health insurance, rental car insurance, travel insurance are just a couple of examples not forgetting using your points to pay for things like travel
Claim Money In Your Name – don’t forget money in unused bank accounts and other places were you may leave money from time to time
Avoid Food In Your Kitchen Going Bad – leftovers can be great and making sure that you use food before it expires can save you hundreds of dollars in extra food bills each month
Pay Less for Smartphone Data – use WiFi whenever you can to control or decrease the amount of data you need to pay for.
Use Coupons That Are Right In Front of You
It does not take much work to snip the coupons from the paper or even from some of the packaging your food comes in
Always Negotiate – the worst that can happen is that they say no or they will not negotiate. You would be surprised how even just asking can knock 10% off the price.
Don’t Fall For Tech Myths – go for the real thing. Check out all technologies online first and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is
Do not Overpay Your Monthly Bills – why would you give extra money to the big conglomerates. Pay your bills on time and only what you owe. Practice conservation and save thousands every year.
Trying Too Hard to Save Money – driving 10 miles to save $5 is going to cost more than that in gas. Always ask yourself if the net savings is going to be positive after you consider your expenses.
Share Your Home With Family
This is an interesting way to share the costs of running a home. If a family member moves back in with you, a child perhaps or an older parent, sharing the costs of maintaining the home can be very helpful. You need to discuss the arrangement up front before they move in and come to some sort of agreement. If you do this afterwords, there can be a lot of misunderstandings and it might even ruin your family arrangement. Sharing the cost of food, the cost of utilities and even the mortgage or taxes can make a huge difference for everyone concerned and save a great deal for both parties.