Do It Yourself LandscapingAny time of the year is great for do it yourself landscaping. But spring is the time when most people get started with their own landscaping projects. It is springtime in May and it is time to start landscaping your backyard and your front yard. Many people wait for the long weekend in May to do this work. The weather has turned and it is much warmer and there will be no chance of frost. This is Victoria Day for Canadians and Memorial day for US citizens. This is the traditional time for the northern US and Canada to start their gardens. They also touch up any landscaping work they wish to do.

There are many stores that offer topsoil, mulch, and many different types of flowers and shrubs. Also vegetables for planting in your garden. There are so many choices that sometimes it is very difficult to make a decision. As you can see by these pictures that we took at Lowe’s, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of different colored flowers and shrubs. They can be picked up for your garden and your pots around the house. We enjoy this time of year because it is time for renewal and updating your yard.

The May long weekend is one of the most popular days.  Consumers go out and buy all kinds of flowers and soil and shrubs. It is also the busiest time for the garden centers. It is almost like Christmas for them with so many people shopping. Everyone needs to be patient and take their time while they try to dodge people with their carts. Shoppers are just looking around and not paying attention to where they’re going. But one of the best things about shopping at this time is that many of these garden centers have great sales. In fact, we found mulch at Lowe’s that was at half price compared to other stores offering the same kind of mulch and the same size bag.

Do It Yourself Landscaping – Shopping

The weekend after the long weekend is another great time to shop. As we mentioned the long weekend and the time leading up to it is Christmas season as far as the garden season goes for these garden centers. After that people get interested in doing summer things and enjoying the warm weather. Sales drop off and if there is inventory left, many of these stores will offer great sales at this time. You can find any number of products at half price and lower depending on the item. Some customers will purchase things like mulch at half price or lower and keep it in the garage or garden shed for next year. If you have a place to store this stuff it is a great time to save some money.

By the way, we really like mulch for our gardens when we are doing it yourself landscaping. It makes the job of weeding easier because there are fewer weeds to start with and secondly they cannot get a good hold with their root systems. They are very easy to remove when you have about an inch of mulch on the ground around your plants.

Another good reason to use mulch is that it helps to retain moisture for your plants and prevents the ground from drying out. Your plants will do far better when you use mulch in the gardens. We use mulch in all of our flower beds for these reasons and it happens to look nice as well. A nicely edged flowerbed with some of your favorite colored mulch looks great. We like to use cedar mulch which comes in brown, natural, red, and black coloring. Personally, the brown cedar mulch works best for us, but many people purchase the other colors as well.
