Tag: Solar System Installation

Solar System Installation Permits

Solar System Installation PermitDo you need a solar system installation permit for your new system? The answer is probably yes on several fronts. The company you are purchasing the equipment from and doing the installation for you should know this. They should also help you with the preparation of the applications. As well as any inspections that may be required. This should be part of the service package that is offered. There are three areas as a minimum that are required depending on the city or county that you live in.

Solar System Installation Permit

The permits that you may need to have are as follows:

  • Construction permit to make major changes to your roof
  • Electrical installation permit and inspection
  • Connection to the electrical grid

All of these permits have their own specific requirements.  A lot depends on whether you are attaching your system to the electrical grid or not. As well as whether you plan to sell power back to the electrical company or not.

Construction permit to make major changes to your roof – most cities and towns require construction permits if you plan to make any major changes to your property. It is really a way of increasing taxes, but it also ensures that all construction adheres to local bylaw requirements as well.

Electrical installation permit and inspection – all electrical installations of any kind need to be inspected before they are turned on. This is to prevent fire and avoid any safety hazards from improper installations. The permit process gets the ball rolling.

Connection to the electrical grid – if you plan to connect your system to the electrical grid will you sell power back to the electrical company that provides power to you? They will want to inspect your system. They also will demand that specific safeguards are in place to protect you and them from power surges. As well as from transient currents and ensure the quality of the power being provided.

Avoid surprises. Avoid unnecessary delays. Apply for all of the appropriate permits before you begin installation and actually before you spend a lot of money on equipment.

Solar System Information

Solar System InformationDo you need to apply for permits before you install a solar system at your home? The answer probably depends on where you live and the kind of solar system you are installing. Many cities and towns require permits before any significant construction or change in structure to your home. This includes other buildings on your property. They want to ensure that your plans adhere to all local bylaws regardless of what they are. Some will deal with safety issues. At the same time, others may be more aesthetic. HOA, in particular, may also have a say in what you do on your property. Obtain a permit for roof installations.

Solar System Information – Permits

If you are planning a solar power system not attached to the power electrical grid, you may not need a permit from the local electrical supply company. You will most likely still need an electrical permit to ensure the system is appropriately designed and installed to meet all existing electrical safety requirements. Preparation of construction and electrical system permits usually mandatory in these situations.

You will also want to have these permits prepared and approved. A solar system installed somewhere on your property, including your home’s roof, may also impact your insurance requirements. A properly designed, installed, and approved solar power generation system will ensure that your insurance is not null and void if you need to make a claim. Always check with your insurance company to find and meet their requirements. Get it in writing so that there is no misunderstanding.

Since most home owners do not have the skills needed to prepare these permits, the company trying to sell you a solar system should provide this service as part of the package they deliver to you.

Solar Panel Design & Permits

Solar Panel DesignDetailed Plans that are designed specifically for YOUR solar installation must be prepared for a number of reasons. Prepare an estimate of the cost for the material and the labor from the plans. They are also used to guide you or your contractor in the installation of your system. Your local electrical company must approve the plans first. Another reason these plans need to be prepared is that a permit must be submitted. It needs to be approved by the city before any work can begin.

Solar Panel Design & Permits

A complete package must be ready to submit to the city for permit approval. Some consumers go ahead with construction and installation without a permit. There is a very good chance that the city inspector could come by and shut everything down. You might have the installation complete only to have to remove it if you do not have an approved permit.

There is another even more important issue to consider. Insurance on your home covers all of the standard perils. However, insurance does not cover the installation and operation of an electricity generation system. In addition, if there is a claim, you definitely want to have all of the correct designs completed. A professionally designed installation meets all of the necessary building codes, etc. If not, the insurance company could easily decline to pay you.

Compliance with City Building Codes

Draft every Solar Electrical Design properly. Draft the plans to comply with city codes and NEC regulations for insurance purposes and safety purposes. Safety applies to your home, family, and the electrical grid you are attaching. The liability could be significant if you were to cause some kind of damage to the electrical grid. What about another homeowner’s electronics, etc, due to spurious currents? You could be liable for very large sums of money. Obtain the proper approvals. Complete the job correctly. It should meet all code requirements.

You may also need to make some changes to the plans based on these permit applications. Make sure that your solar design company is able and willing to complete these revisions. Resubmit the plans for approval.

For more information about solar panels, costs, installation, and more, click here.

Estimating Costs for Solar Power Installations

Our last post discussed whether we would be a good candidate for solar power. This post is discussing estimating the costs for solar installations. From our previous post I think we concluded that we are probably good Solar Power Installationscandidates in the summer time, but winter time with snow on the roof it will be an entirely different matter. Never the less we need to figure out what the cost will be. Also how much energy will actually be generated to help pay for the cost of the solar panel installation. Solar Power Installations also depend on the size of the panels used.

Solar Power Installations – Roof Condition

One of the questions deals with the condition of our roof. It is in good shape and should last another 20 years. We just replaced the shingles 5 years ago and they are supposed to be 25 year shingles. Will they really last that long? Well for the purposes of this analysis, we are gong to assume that they will. Also that we will also have a payback period of less than 20 years. In other words the solar generation system will pay for itself in less than the 20 year time frame. Other wise I need to replace the roof and the solar panels before they have generated enough power to compensate for the cost of installation.
(continue reading…)

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